Thursday 30 June 2016

Thankful for the Fight

Thankful for the Fight

It’s been a month since my last update… hah I’m okay. First thing first, I’m soooo very grateful my PET CT result came back negative. It is all clear the remaining of the tumor are very small and a metabolic meaning this remaining is a scar or a dead tissue. Dr. Arif one of team member of oncology pulmonology in Siloam when I was hospitalized this January once said hopefully now it only left the empty shell, it also supported by my radiation oncologist… because the tumor was not removed by surgery (only chemo and radiation) so it is okay if the tumor still have little remaining as long as it not glowing in during PET scan.

Some guys from testicular cancer forum TC-NET also shared their stories about their mediastinal tumor, the radiation and chemo did a good job to get rid most part of that little fucker but it was not completely make them gone away. One guys said the remaining was keep shrinking till not much left after several years. This forum is a real blessing form me the guys and (some lady) are very responsive. They would answer ANY questions very detail one guy even send me e read receipt “hey see your email in the forum, I’m in the middle of something but I will reply once I get home” that is really nice and kind and comforting in the middle of panic and confuse especially during your diagnosis what you really need is a support to give you detail and reliable information, advise and to hear (or read) stories from someone like me gives huge amount of positive energy.  

Now what? The monster is gone, I kicked it out. I’m not gonna let it interfere my life, I do have some scars from my battle last year pneumonitis, mild depression, seborrheic dermatitis and back pain for now let these be the reminder for my battle. I’m thankful because I’m survive but I even more grateful because I have a change to fight this little fucker. I heard someone (a survivor) said “after remission keeping cancer away is my full time job” other survivor’s caregiver I meet last year during chemo once told me “after remission always be cautious… be grateful for the fight but don’t lose control by not taking care of your diet and not exercising because the cancer is can coming back we just don’t know when”. This is very true, I heard in forum someone get a relapse after 14 years of remission… can you believe that without the lifestyle changing, with all the crap he put in his mouth he still mage to be cancer free for 14 freakin years. My goal: I want to be healthier, even healthier than before I get cancer.

PS: handsome young man in the picture is not me nor my kid :), his name is Cannon he is my inspiration more story about him click here or here

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